Out & About
Thu 27
Film: A Tale of Two Cities
96th Street Library, 112 East 96th St.
2 p.m. Free.
A 1935 adaptation of the classic Charles Dickens novel about the French Revolution, starring Ronald Colman.
212-289-0908. www.nypl.org/events/programs/2015/08/27/film-tale-two-cities-1935
A Diamond in the Rough
Barnes and Noble, 86th and Lexington
7 p.m. Free.
The harrowing autobiographical account of Lakesha Baker, who saw her mother stabbed to death as a child.
212-369-2180. store-locator.barnesandnoble.com/event/4871007-0
Fri 28
Discovering Japanese Art: American Collectors and the Met
Metropolitan Museum, 1000 Fifth Ave.
11 a.m. -12 p.m. Free with admission.
A history of the Japanese art collection at the Met, compiled by American art connoisseur.
212-535-7710. www.metmuseum.org/events/programs/met-tours/gallery-talks/discovering-japanese-art?eid=A007_%7bCCA5E05E-DFB2-4D71-979A-A3098F7CB042%7d_20150326161835
Learn How to Play Chess @ Webster
Webster Library, 1465 York Ave.
3 p.m. Free.
Whether you’re a seasoned expert looking to show off your skills or a newcomer who wants to learn the basics, this event is for you.
212-288-5049. www.nypl.org/events/programs/2015/08/07/learn-play-chess-webster-0
Sat 29
Webster @ The Movies: American Sniper
Webster Library, 1465 York Ave.
2 p.m. Free.
Webster Library presents the Oscar-nominated biopic of Chris Kyle, the most renowned sniper in American history. Rated R.
212-288-5049. www.nypl.org/events/programs/2015/08/29/webster-movies-american-sniper
Falun Dafa Exercise Class
Yorkville Library, 222 East 79th St.
11 a.m. - 12 p.m. Free.
A slow paced meditation and exercise class. For adults aged 50+.
212-744-5824. www.nypl.org/events/programs/2015/08/01/falun-dafa-exercise-class
Sun 30
Art in the Round: Architecture Tour
Guggenheim Museum, 1071 Fifth Ave.
2 p.m. Free with admission.
Learn all about the architectural style of the Frank Lloyd Wright building.
212-423-3500. www.guggenheim.org/new-york/calendar-and-events/2015/08/30/art-in-the-round-architecture-tour-16/5116
Harlem Meer Performance: Garifuna International
Charles A. Dana Discovery Center in Central Park, Inside the park at 110th Street between Lenox and Fifth Avenue
2-4 p.m. Free.
For this installment in the Harlem Meer performance, enjoy the Afro-Caribbean stylings of Garifuna International.
Mon 31
Film: Dolphin Tale 2
96th Street Library, 112 East 96th St.
2 p.m. Free.
A family film about a team of people trying to find a dolphin a new companion after its surrogate mother’s death. Starring Morgan Freeman.
212-289-0908. www.nypl.org/events/programs/2015/08/31/family-film-dolphin-tale-2-2014
Russian Modernism: Cross-Currents of German and Russian Art, 1907-1917.
Neue Galerie, 1048 Fifth Ave.
11 a.m. Free with admission.
An examination of the cultural exchange between Russian and German art in the early 20th century.
Tue 1
Learn a Language with MANGO
67th Street Library, 328 East 67th St.
5-6:30 p.m. Free.
Learn pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary for your language of choice, courtesy of the NYPL’s MANGO program. Advance registration required.
212-734-1717. www.nypl.org/events/programs/2015/09/01/learn-language-mango
Modern Art: The Absence of Detail?
Metropolitan Museum, 1000 Fifth Ave.
11 a.m.-12 p.m. Free with admission.
Learn how the masters of modern art have crafted their most famous works with the philosophy that less is more.
212-535-7710. www.metmuseum.org/events/programs/met-tours/gallery-talks/modern-art?eid=A001_%7bDBCA365E-07B8-4BEC-A146-C81B0B998BE9%7d_20150730170206
Wed 2
Day of Infamy: Saving Private Ryan
92nd Street Y, Lexington Avenue at 92nd Street
2 p.m. $30.
The 92nd Street Y presents a screening of Steven Spielberg’s powerful, disturbing film about the storming of the beach at Normandy during WWII.
Under Construction Series: Andrew Ondrejcak
Park Avenue Armory, 643 Park Ave.
8 p.m. $20.
For this event, writer/director/designer Andrew Ondrejcak will open his studio to display all of his works in progress.
212-616-3930. armoryonpark.org/programs_events/detail/UCS_Andrew_Ondrejcak