York Avenue Ducklings Move to the Suburbs News
The ducklings of the Upper East Side are no more.
The eight newborn ducks had captivated the neighborhood, after taking up residence in a fountain outside of 1385 York Ave., between 73rd and 74th streets.
Neighbors set up a nest box in the fountain and the ducks, believed to be only a few weeks old, attracted a stream of gawkers and admirers.
Eileen Gould, who lives in the building next door, said the ducklings were relocated by wildlife officials, and supers at the building said the ducks were taken to Long Island to live in the wild. A sign was posted at the fountain stating simply, “Moved To Long Island!”
“Hopefully, it’s to give them a better life than living in a driveway,” Gould said. “People were very disappointed to see them leave.”
Gould had set up what she took to calling a Duck-cam on Facebook, providing regular updates.
The ducklings, of course, may have had the last quack: The animals fled the city early in the week, well ahead of the Memorial Day weekend crawl to the beach.