A lengthy stretch of the East River Esplanade is still closed (pictured above) due to a hospital expansion, and now locals are signing a petition to demand changes. ( Photo: Jack Ahern ) Petition to Unblock East River Esplanade Gains Signatures An eight-block stretch of the East River Esplanade, between East 71st Street and East 79th Street, remains closed due to... News 21 Mar 2025 | 03:48
The beginning of the East River Esplanade blockage at around E. 70th St, which ends at around E. 79th St. The cause is a HSS tower project, which may or may not be completed next year. ( Photo: Jack Ahern ) Groan: HHS & Parks Dept. Say Expect More Delays on UES Esplanade Reopening Pedestrians eager to use the East River Esplanade between E. 71st and E. 79th St. will have to wait a while longer, it seems,... News 15 Nov 2024 | 05:48
The state of the East River Esplanade Address at John John Park, E. 78th Street and Cherokee Place. ( Photo: Brian Berger) East River Greenway of the Mind: The City Dreamed It, But Dead Ends Riddle Waterfront Trail Talk about arterial blockage! That’s been the news from the East River waterfront for years now and, following a recent traversal... News 28 Oct 2024 | 11:18
Clockwise: Ruppert Park’s redesign project is in its procurement phase; two new security cameras may be installed near Andrew Haswell Green Park this summer; John Jay’s new pool deck is expected to be completed by Memorial Day; St. Catherine’s Park’s design plans will be presented in May. ( Image credit (clockwise): NYC Parks, Google Street View, NYC Parks, Jim Henderson via Wikimedia Commons) UES Park Check in: New Pool Deck at John Jay, New Lights on Esplanade, Slow Going for Ruppert Park It’s spring: the birds are singing, the flowers are blooming, and there is pollen everywhere. Ahead of long, sunny days at... Home 15 Apr 2024 | 09:30
For nearly three years, the East River Esplanade from the East 30s to the Williamsburg Bridge has been a patchwork of boarded up pathways and chopped down oak and cherry trees. But City planners say this is what the entire East River Greenway will look like when it is finally completed and runners and bikers can navigate from uptown to downtown on most of the East Side. Photo: NYC Parks Dept. Partial Reopening of East River Esplanade Welcome News to Runners and Bikers Runners and bikers rejoice! This was the feeling many felt when the news came that the East River Greenway had reopened a... News 15 Jan 2024 | 04:53
The Bobby Wagner Walk which stretches from 90th St. to 120th St. on the East River Esplenade is going to get a $300 million overhaul to restore the area around Pier 107. Photo: NYC Economic Development Corp Pier 107 on Bobby Wagner Walk Earmarked for $300M Overhaul After years of lobbying, the city says it is prepared to spend $300 million on renovation of piers and walkways and a new... News 30 Jan 2023 | 11:49
Cherry Blossoms at Seaport and Disappearing Mailboxes on UES