The city’s new trash containers sit on 148th Street between Broadway and Amsterdam Avenue, April 12, 2024 during a pilot program conducted by the Sanitation Dept. in Hamilton Heights. Now DOS wants to extend the pilot to West Harlem. ( Photo Credit: Alex Krales/THE CITY) City Is Expanding Anti-Rat Pilot Program That Requires European-Style Metal Containers The rats were not invited to testify. The Sanitation Department submitted for public reaction its plan to launch a pilot... News 08 Nov 2024 | 07:12
New York City been battling with rats who create networks of burrows and then emerge to feast on trash. Carbon monoxide pumps are puts rats on E. 86th St. on the run and now council member Julie Menin wants to expand the successful program to other trouble spots. ( Source: Wikimedia Commons) With 86th Street Rat Population On Run, Menin Pushes to Expand to New Trouble Spots The East 86th Street commercial corridor in Council Member Julie Menin’s district was once a playground for rats. No more,... News 06 Nov 2023 | 02:43
Battle Against City Rat Population turns to Lidded Trash Containers in Harlem The city announced a new front in its war on rats, launching an experiment in West Harlem to put residential and school... News 08 May 2023 | 01:02
From left to right: City Council Members Shaun Abreu, Erik Bottcher, Sandy Nurse, Chi Ossé and Carlina Rivera posed outside City Hall with two rats that were protesting new legislation passed on Thursday. Photo: Abigail Gruskin City Council’s ‘Rat Pack’ Says Rodents Are Ready to ‘Surrender’ In a city of millions, there’s an alarming number of unwelcome guests — ones that scurry, lurk and leap. Everyone’s seen... News 27 Oct 2022 | 05:54
Cherry Blossoms at Seaport and Disappearing Mailboxes on UES