From COVID Booster Shots to a Notary, Local Assembly Member Offers Surprising Array of No Cost Services to UES Constituents
Interns, volunteers and trained professionals offer a wide array of unexpected services our East Side Observer finds when she pays a visit to Assembly member Rebecca Seawright’s office.

Hooray for Constituent Service–For non-stop/one-stop constituent service, Assembly Member Rebecca Seawright’s community office on York between E. 78 and E. 79th Sts. is Numero Uno IMO. The staff is up and ready with a panoply of services–from covid shots and masks, flu shots, blood glucose and blood pressure screenings and screening mammograms to notary services, book drives, shredding events and more. Look no further than the Seawright Team’s full-service constituent office.
Seawright’s Chief of Staff Courtney Ferrissey manages, as she describes, “the small but mighty” team of “great staff, volunteers and interns” to plan outreach and events, assist in resolving community issues. That small and mighty team includes Flor de Maria Eilets, Jacob Plottel and Harley Neiditz who are all responsible for the delivery of quality constituent services. “We always want to make sure our constituents leave the office happy and with resources to assist them in cutting through red tape, in addition to all of the no-cost clinics and programs we offer.”
Ferrissey’s team also organizes events that include shredding during the year, book and holiday toy drives and annual holiday party, as well as a Tuesday biweekly housing clinic, rent freeze enrollment clinics, and collecting eyeglasses for donation. They just completed a turkey giveaway for Thanksgiving.
The AM’s constituent office much needed. In the old days - going back to the 70s and beyond UES I knew - constituent offices were an integral and important part of the landscape. Today, not so much, or at all. There have been and may be mobile services on an ad hoc basis. That’s okay, but doesn’t do the job or compare to Courtney Ferrissey’s “small but mighty team.”
FYI - While I’ve known about, and been impressed by, the AM’s constituent office, it wasn’t until I learned about the covid shot that I realized I’d been remiss in not getting out the word about Seawright’s community office in my East Side Observer column. And thanks to Illana Yagudayev, pharmacist and owner of Drug Mart on 86th and York, for providing the covid booster and flu shots.
Singing for supper–George Restaurant on the southeast corner of 1st Avenue and E. 63rd St is having an Old-Fashioned Holiday Caroling on Tuesday, December 10th at 5:30 PM in their dining room and are offering a 10 percent discount on dinner to caroling guests following the Carol Sing.
Everyone is welcome and so is your generosity in bringing an unwrapped gift and in its original packaging. Gifts such as a game, or book for a needy youngster, toddler to 10 years of age. The gifts will be delivered by ESNA (East Sixties Neighborhood Association) to Ambulatory Pediatrics of NY Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center on E. 68th St. You can get toys at ESNA Member, the Learning Express, 1071 Third Avenue, (NE corner of 63rd St.) Open daily, 10 AM - 5 PM.
Inducting Justice Leibovits–In 2009, Gerald Leibovits was elected as a Judge of New York County’s Civil Court after having been a judge on NY County’s Housing Court. Before being elected to New York State Supreme Court earlier this month, Leibovits was an Acting Supreme Court Justice. No more acting. Some four thousand voters elected him. And he’s now Justice. Despite some pesky, much-needed rain, it was a memorable night. Speakers included Honorable Justices Adam Silvera and Suzanne Adams and NY County District Leader Keith L.T. Wright. Hon. George J. Silver, retired Deputy Administrative Judge for NYC Courts, did the emceeing. Leibovits’s children, Natalie & Or and Kenneth participated in the induction, as Honorable Justice Margaret A. Chan, administered the Oath of office to her husband. And NY County’s Room 300 Ceremonial Court was packed with an outpouring from the community. Justice Leibovits thanked New York County’s dedicated democratic clubs and acknowledged that the Lexington Democratic Club was the first to endorse him oh so many years ago. And Vanessa Aronson, Lex Club’s current president was at the induction. Full circle. She’s a candidate for the District 4 City Council seat being vacated by term-limited Keith Powers.