Letters to the Editor

Thank you, especially reporter Abigail Gruskin, for the expansive news coverage of the results of the recent election (West Side Spirit, Nov. 10 - 17). For all the TV reporting, I did not know who won the race for NYS Senate in my 47th district until I read “Manhattan’s Blue Tsunami.” I think democracy works best the more candidates who run, so it was gratifying that Ms. Gruskin mentioned the challengers Robert Bobrick, Medical Freedom Party, and Maria Danzilo, Parent Party, as well as the winner Brad Hoylman. Great journalism.
Barbara Maddox
Upper West Side
Great column [”Highlights of a Political Season,” by Arlene Kayatt, Our Town, Nov. 24 - 30], all of which was news to me, and I read five newspapers a day. Thanks.
Frank Wilkinson
Upper East Side
I have been a fan of Val Castronovo’s art journalism for a long time, but, in view of the new heights she has reached since the constraints of COVID, I felt I needed to pay tribute to the recent work she has contributed to Our Town.
She managed graceful depictions of the Tudors show at the Met. Her last two articles – “Edward Hopper’s New York” at the Whitney and the Alex Katz show – have been gems of the art of writing about art. She gets a lot of education on her subjects across to the reader with no hints of the pedantic. I always come away from one of her pieces well informed and thrilled with a sense of the excitement she has brought to her assignment. I look forward to many more examples in the future.
Janet Groth
Upper East Side
In these difficult economic times, as a result of inflation, it is especially important to patronize your neighborhood businesses. Do it not only on annual Small Business Saturday, November 26, but every day of the year. Small independent businesses are at the mercy of suppliers, especially third-party brokers, who control the price they have to pay for merchandise.
I don’t mind occasionally paying a little more to help our local stores survive. The employees go out of their way to help find what I need. Customer service is their motto. As an independent mom and pop store, they don’t have bulk buying purchasing power that Amazon or large national chain stores have. The owners can’t negotiate lower prices from suppliers. This is why they sometimes charge a little more. It is worth the price to avoid the crowds and long lines at larger stores in exchange for the convenience and friendly service your neighborhood community store offers.
Remember these people are our neighbors. Our local entrepreneurs have continued the good fight to keep their existing staff and suppliers employed without layoffs and canceling product or supply orders. They continue to work long hours, pay taxes and keep as many employed as possible. If we don’t patronize our local community stores and restaurants to shop and eat, they don’t eat either. This helps keep our neighbors employed and the local economy growing.
The owners of independent mom and pop stores are the backbone of our neighborhood commercial districts. Show your support by making a purchase.
Larry Penner
Great Neck, NY