Letters to the Editor

To the Editor:
I was just crossing the street at 86th and 2nd Avenue around 8 p.m., by the restaurant on the corner. There is a big pile of trash sitting there.
As my daughter and I were waiting for the light to change I could hear a lot of movement in the trash pile. Turning to look there were more than 10 large rats roaming around the trash pile!
People, come on! I am sure that I am not the only one seeing them. I don’t know who’s trash it is but it seems to me it is a dinner invitation for the rats by leaving it in this corner space.
There must be a better way!
Jose Tolson
E. 86th Street
To the Editor:
You just had a story in “Voices “ about MTA buses. Reading the complaints people have about them I have to add the most important health issue plaguing us in this town! Am I the only person that has noticed this?
Riding a Lexington line bus is a serious health hazard especially with A/c or heat used! Has anyone looked up and seen the extremely dirty air filters that never have been cleaned or changed?
It is so bad the dirt causes a horrible stench throughout the buses, especially the older ones with the very filthy, uncleaned seats and interior!
I believe if samples get taken from the A/c screens they might find dangerous pathogens!
I would really like to know who has the cleaning contract for these buses and I also think it should be investigated why we have to deal with such filth!
It surprises me that the bus drivers have not contacted their union, since they spend many hours in this environment!
Next time you ride a bus on York, First, Third or Lex, take a good look at those active units above you and do as I, complain until someone at the MTA notices also and acts!
Ingrid Eichenbaum
E. 79th Street