Big night for Four Freedoms Dem Club – Their members and endorsed candidates in the 73rd and 76th AD Primary races – Alex Bores for Assembly 73rd, Jeremy Berman and Erica Vladimer for State Committee Members 76th – all won their races. Four Freedom’s club members and others gathered at Red Grill Mexican restaurant at the corner of 88th and Second to watch the results. At closing time, they crossed the street to the newly opened Sojourn Social to finish celebrating. Happy victors Alex Bores and Jeremy Berman were the big kahunas as they took turns for the selfie crowd at Sojourn. Pictured with 76th AD District Leader Kim Moscaritolo (far left) is Bores (far right). Berman’s standing next to Moscaritolo. The guy in the center, Gabe Panek (soon to be Dad as this goes to press), is rumored to be top choice to replace Bores when he steps down as District Leader.
In talking about the race, a beaming Moscaritolo said, “Alex is my co-District Leader and my friend, and I couldn’t be prouder of his victory. I know he’s going to do great things for the 73rd Assembly district, and that Erica and Jeremy will fight for a stronger, more transparent State Democratic Party. I’m excited to work with them to ensure Democratic victories in 2022 and beyond.”
Now that the gubernatorial and assembly primaries are behind us, we’re quickly moving on to the August 23 primary for the open Congressional seat resulting from redistricting in the 12th CD with congressional incumbents Carolyn Maloney and Jerry Nadler facing off against each other and contender candidates Suraj Patel and Ashimi Sheth. The race promises to be vigorously contested and contentious, and I’ll venture to say vitriolic, because when all votes are in there will be only one incumbent representing the 12th CD. Sorry Patel. Sorry Sheth.
And once we get through that primary and the November election, we’re onto a potential primary for Julie Menin’s District 5 Council seat. Menin’s up and running, primary or no primary. As a result of redistricting, the Council seat, which is usually for a four-year term, is this time for a two-year term. And who knows, there could be a primary for District Leader when Alex Bores steps down. Looks like Gabe Panek could have a primary in his future for the District Leader seat. Maybe not.